Bree and Natalie's Guide to Men's Style and Dating Mastery

Learn the how to transform your life and love life from the inside out.

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Knowing who you are, what you want and how to attract it can put you ahead of 99% of the rest of the world.

Let's get you moving like that 1%... authentically you.


You Can Have the Life and Love Life You Deserve. AND LOOK IT, TOO!

Learn the formula to creating success inside and out:

  • Discover your style and how to find what YOU love.
  • Overcome trauma and limiting beliefs to step into your worth.
  • Learn how to find and meet quality women that are right for YOU.
  • Learn the way healthy women think and how to attract them.
  • Find YOUR authenticity and learn how to spot who's right for you and who isn't FAST.
  • Step into your worth and look and feel the part. 
  • PERMANENT results!

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

In this 90 Day Master Program, you’ll learn how to finally take control of your future in relationships, friendships, career, success and more...


In The Next 3 Months, You Could…

  • Learn how to overcome all of your obstacles
  • Create confidence you FEEL from the inside out
  • Be an attraction to more success and quality relationships everywhere you go

The right coaches can make a difference. We’ll guide you into stepping more fully into your power. No matter WHERE you've come from or what you've gone through. We've got you. 


The 90 Day Style and Dating Guide Mastery

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You Are Ready To Take Control of Your Future?

This 12-week bootcamp will teach you everything you need to know to get the life and love life of your dreams. You’ll learn how to:

  • Find your own style with a men's styling expert
  • Overcome blocks, trauma, limiting beliefs and toxic relationships
  • Create lasting confidence and everything you need to continue to succeed in every area of your life. And look incredible doing it.

With a simple shift in your mindset and some smart practices, you could start living the life of your dreams.

What's Included In The Program...

Style Mastery with Bree

Your style, your wardrobe, your life reflecting who YOU truly and and what you want to attract:

  • 2 Styling Appointments 
  • Complete Closet Edit
  • 2 Shopping Appointments
  • Digital Wardrobing

You’ll work with Bree and know EXACTLY what works for you and how to have fun finally enjoying the way you look and feel.

90 Day Transformation with Coach Natalie

With the help of a certified NLP coach (think Tony Robbins meets Hitch) you'll learn :

  • EVERYTHING blocking you and holding you back and actionable steps to crush your limiting beliefs FOREVER. 
  • The tools you can use for ANY situation in your life
  • How to find and meet Mrs. Right (or Mrs. Right Now)
  • How to overcome any trauma or toxic relationships
  • How to spot healthy people and walk away from the ones not right for you anymore

The first month we find all of your blocks and remove them. By the 2nd month, you will start to see and experience the things you've always wanted coming TO you with LESS EFFORT. The 3rd month will solidify it and create a new neural pathway so you are AUTOMATICALLY choosing the GOOD things in life. You'll walk away with a mastersheet of tools for what to do in ANY situation so you are ALWAYS covered.

Step by Step Guidance 

With Bree and Natalie you'll also get:

  • Exactly what to say and wear on dates and important meetings
  • Group text message so you ALWAYS have support from the coaches!
  • Support and Empowerment. Stepping fully into the man you've always wanted to be... the man you are inside... can be scary. We're here. We've got you. 

We've watching thousands of men transform and fall in love with their lives and themselves. You'll walk away feeling more confidence, happiness and peace than you thought possible with a solid plan and set of goals that you KNOW you can achieve. (Because you'll already be seeing it and experiencing it while we work together).

This Program Is For You If...

  • You are tired of not feeling confident in yourself
  • Wanting more out of life and just not sure how to get it
  • Keep spending money trying to feel better but still left feeling empty
  • Keep repeating the same patterns in your life, attracting the same type of people and you don't know why
  • You want to finally feel and experience happiness... inside and out. 

I'm Natalie Stavola

After graduating with my BA in psychology and communications, I began mentoring and helping others. I stepped into the men's coaching space over 5 years ago and have coached over 1,000 all over the world. I am a certified coach as well as certified NLP and I specialize in trauma, addiction, overcoming obstacles and scientifically manifesting the life and love life of your dreams. 

I’ll show you how to overcome ANY limiting beliefs or obstacles, attract more success and the woman (or women) of your dreams, and never feel like you're left wondering ever again or stuck in another dead end toxic relationship.

"Coach Natalie's program has absolutely changed my life! I feel like I finally love myself. Natalie, THANK YOU! You are worth your weight in gold!"
- Martin M.
"I know who I am as a man now and I know what I will no longer tolerate in my life. I was so desperate and lost all hope. I honestly didn't think it would work for me... I got so much more out of this, Natalie goes above and beyond. I actually love my life today. Grateful is an understatement."
- Carlos R.
"WOW! Just... wow. I couldn't stop dating toxic women. I was losing money and losing my mind. Natalie explained everything, I finally get it... and I got to heal from all of it. I'm toxic free now and finally my kids have their dad back... calm, stable, in control again."
- Stephan G.

I'm Bree Jacoby

Fashion and entrepreneurship are in my blood. As a Los Angeles native who grew up in a family of entrepreneurs, I’m passionate about trailblazing the style space by making luxury more attainable, and empowering people to be the best versions of themselves. 
BREE’s mission is to transcend what to wear by revolutionizing the way people get dressed, and sparking a more personal, confident relationship with style for everyone. By streamlining what you already own, curating purposeful purchases, and digitizing polished looks, we reduce stress, wasted time and guesswork to make dressing well a whole lot more fun and BREEzy for you!

We look forward to meeting you, and becoming a trusted member of your success team for years to come.

Let’s do this!

"Bree actually listened and helped me feel so empowered in my style. FINALLY. I feel like I look the way I want to and had incredible help to get there."
- William R. 
"I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't realize I was sabotaging a lot of my business meetings and dates because I was coming off... well... not the way I wanted to. I'm attracting in way more now and people are quick to say yes to me... just because I finally said yes to myself and upgraded my style. Thank you, Bree!"
- Sam T.
"It's incredible what your style can do for you. I've never felt so powerful and empowered in my life. Bree made everything so easy, and I don't feel like I'm trying to conform at all... I feel like I finally look like ME!"
- Brad M.

Bree and Natalie's Style and Dating Mastery Program

Payment Plan


3 monthly payments


Pay In Full


Save $600!


If you aren’t completely satisfied with Program, let us know within the first 14-days for a refund (subject to how much was spent on clothes)